Ebenezer West Pantry
Located at 1127 W 35th St (behind the church)
Wednesdays and Saturdays
9:00am – 11:00am
We provide canned foods, meat, fruits, veggies, bread and rolls. Bagged lunches are handed out on Wednesday during our normal pantry hours.
Ebenezer North Pop-Up
Located at 20th & Center
(at the empty lot when weather permits)
2 times per month on Saturdays
1:00pm – 3:00pm
(while supplies last) Visit our Facebook page for dates!

Wednesdays at 35th St. Location
We provide a hot meal for the public, the menu varies and is a chance to have a hot meal and take one home!

Saturdays at 35th St. Location
9:00am – 11:00am
Saturday breakfast is a time of fellowship. We provide a hot breakfast every Saturday for the community. We love sharing the love of Christ and his teachings.

Our warehouse, known as Ebenezer East, was started in 2022 when ESM saw an over 60% increase in the demand for its service. With limited space issues at our shared location at 35th & Scott, we determined that we needed to expand our footprint and secured a lease for this warehouse in October 2021 for ESM’s second location on 12th and Bruce. In January 2022, this additional 13,000 square foot facility was opened and began to serve.
Through an expanded partnership and RDO agreement with Feeding America, our capacity to take in and distribute food to the southside and beyond has grown exponentially. This means ESM is responsible for the redistribution of fresh and dry food to other local pantries and organizations. In the middle of a food desert, our fresh food recovery program is filling a deeply felt need in our community. Through expanded storage, we are able to maintain a steady supply of food, serve fresh food year-round, and support other meal-based programs to do the same thing.
We are also able to use the additional space at this location for offices for our staff and a space for other nonprofits who need an area to start their business
or use as a meeting space.
Email address is warehouse@ebenezerstoneministries.org
Program Services
Through our West, East and South locations we offer many resources to the community.
- Social Worker/Navigator available
- Reps from BlueCross/BadgerCare and Food Share to assist individuals.
- Volunteer nurses provide health screenings
- Mental Health & Addiction Resources
- ESL Classes, Career Planning Classes, Financial Literacy, other family & youth interest classes
- Furniture Outreach for families in need
Throughout the year ESM hosts many community events, to engage, outreach and feed the community.